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How to Create a Successful Social Media Marketing Strategy in 2023

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Spread this post by Sharing |->Introduction: Welcome to the digital era, where social media has become an indispensable part of our lives. With over half of the world’s population using social media platforms, businesses cannot afford to overlook the opportunities it presents. A well-crafted social media marketing strategy can not only boost your brand visibility…

ScienceHighlightsIn Picture

Quantum Supremacy: A book by Michio Kaku on the new world of quantum computing

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Spread this post by Sharing |->If you’re a science geek with an interest in physics and sci-fi, you’ve probably heard of Michio Kaku. His books, such as “Physics of the Impossible,” “Physics of the Future,” and “Parallel Worlds,” combine the scientific expertise of a theoretical physics professor with the enthusiasm of a sci-fi fanatic. Kaku’s…