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Nintendo Takes Legal Action Against Switch Homebrew Tools and Emulator Developers

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Nintendo seeks to disable tools that can extract encrypted codes from the Switch Nintendo and has filed a takedown request against Lockpick and Lockpick_RCM, two homebrew tools that can extract cryptographic keys from the Nintendo Switch. These keys can then be used to inspect and modify the source files of a Switch game.

Twitter user Simon Aarons shared an email from GitHub where Nintendo’s takedown request was explained. It stated that the homebrew software could infringe on Nintendo’s intellectual property rights, and distributing the software would be against US legislation, specifically the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. At the time of writing, both Lockpick and Lockpick_RCM pages on GitHub are still online, and it is unclear whether this will change soon.

Meanwhile, the developers of Skyline, a Switch emulator for Android, announced on Discord that they will stop developing the emulator. The team also fears that they may receive a similar takedown request from Nintendo and are concerned about possible legal consequences. They have decided to pull the plug on the project, but the Skyline repository and builds will reportedly remain available.

Lockpick and Lockpick_RCM are two homebrew tools that allow Nintendo Switch owners to download unique cryptographic codes from their handheld device. These codes are necessary if users want to view or modify the source files of Nintendo Switch games using separate software.

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